Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Prayersolutions


In this new year, I would like answers to some very long awaited questions for the future of our family.

Would it be better to purchase a house for our needs than trying to find something to rent which better fits our needs and saves us money?

I pray that we are able to move to another state that will help us move closer to our ultimate goal. We've felt like a black sheep and shunned into a place of being ignored when we cry out for help.

Please guide the growth of our family. If we are to have a 3rd child, please let it be known with a peace. Or if we are complete in the growing of our family, let it be also known with a peace and contentment that it is okay to let go of the baby gear instead of holding on to fear that we'd need it later on. Right now, I am open to either path, but enjoying the stage that Nolan is at and the bond our children are making as siblings.

Please let Eliza continue to qualify for free physical and speech therapy after her 3rd birthday.

Help Mr. G and I better our marriage and communication. Also for us to work more as a team in taking care of the house needs. I feel that our only child pasts hinder our ability to be less selfish with our time and energy.

You know of the unmentioned requests that I can't really write here, so I leave you this and look forward to 2015 and look back at this post.


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