Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's Just Not the Same

It has been nearly 1 week since my new diet change. Every time I pick something up, I have to check the label or wonder if there will be SOMETHING at the event I might be able to eat.

Fat makes so many things taste GOOD!

So far, the fat free/nearly any versions of butter, cream cheese and milk just aren't the same. The jury is still out on fat free cheese. I've got some pizza dough going right now in the bread machine after the pre-made/cooked sheet from Walmart didn't go so well. Interestingly enough, I am allowed to have Canadian bacon.

At work, I played Russian roulette with a BBQ rib on a bun. It is much like the McDonald's McRib. I am not sure of how it played out later in the evening, but I had some mild stomach discomfort. Nothing in comparison to the attack, but if that was all....I might just get a little adventurous while San Diego with some home town favorites. But alas, I don't think I'll be able to enjoy any Mexican :(   

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